- 스크립트의 연속적인 실행을 보장하기 위해 사용하는 간단한 CLI 툴
*CLI: Command line interface의 약자로 텍스트 터미널을 통해 사용자와 컴퓨터가 상호 작용하는 방식을 뜻한다.
- npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/forever
- 사용 방법: npm 을 통해 설치 후 커맨드라인에서 'forever <명령어> <대상>'의 형태로 사용
- 액션 및 옵션
start Start SCRIPT as a daemon
stop Stop the daemon SCRIPT by Id|Uid|Pid|Index|Script
stopall Stop all running forever scripts
restart Restart the daemon SCRIPT
restartall Restart all running forever scripts
list List all running forever scripts
config Lists all forever user configuration
set <key> <val> Sets the specified forever config <key>
clear <key> Clears the specified forever config <key>
logs Lists log files for all forever processes
logs <script|index> Tails the logs for <script|index>
columns add <col> Adds the specified column to the output in `forever list`
columns rm <col> Removed the specified column from the output in `forever list`
columns set <cols> Set all columns for the output in `forever list`
cleanlogs [CAREFUL] Deletes all historical forever log files
-m MAX Only run the specified script MAX times
-l LOGFILE Logs the forever output to LOGFILE
-o OUTFILE Logs stdout from child script to OUTFILE
-e ERRFILE Logs stderr from child script to ERRFILE
-p PATH Base path for all forever related files (pid files, etc.)
-c COMMAND COMMAND to execute (defaults to node)
-a, --append Append logs
-f, --fifo Stream logs to stdout
-n, --number Number of log lines to print
--pidFile The pid file
--uid DEPRECATED. Process uid, useful as a namespace for processes (must wrap in a string)
e.g. forever start --uid "production" app.js
forever stop production
--id DEPRECATED. Process id, similar to uid, useful as a namespace for processes (must wrap in a string)
e.g. forever start --id "test" app.js
forever stop test
--sourceDir The source directory for which SCRIPT is relative to
--workingDir The working directory in which SCRIPT will execute
--minUptime Minimum uptime (millis) for a script to not be considered "spinning"
--spinSleepTime Time to wait (millis) between launches of a spinning script.
--colors --no-colors will disable output coloring
--plain Disable command line colors
-d, --debug Forces forever to log debug output
-v, --verbose Turns on the verbose messages from Forever
-s, --silent Run the child script silencing stdout and stderr
-w, --watch Watch for file changes
--watchDirectory Top-level directory to watch from
--watchIgnore To ignore pattern when watch is enabled (multiple option is allowed)
-t, --killTree Kills the entire child process tree on `stop`
--killSignal Support exit signal customization (default is SIGKILL),
used for restarting script gracefully e.g. --killSignal=SIGTERM
-h, --help You're staring at it
- 설정 파일 생성: json 형식의 파일을 통해 설정해서 사용할 수 있다.
- 설정 파일 예시
/ forever/development.json
// Comments are supported
"uid": "app",
"append": true,
"watch": true,
"script": "index.js",
"sourceDir": "/home/myuser/app",
"logFile": "/home/myuser/logs/forever.log",
"outFile": "/home/myuser/logs/out.log",
"errFile": "/home/myuser/logs/error.log"
$ forever start ./forever/development.json
// App1
"uid": "app1",
"append": true,
"watch": true,
"script": "index.js",
"sourceDir": "/home/myuser/app1"
// App2
"uid": "app2",
"append": true,
"watch": true,
"script": "index.js",
"sourceDir": "/home/myuser/app2",
"args": ["--port", "8081"]
- forever 모듈을 통해서 코드라인 내에서 사용할 수 있다.
- 내장 함수
forever.load (config): Synchronously sets the specified configuration (config) for the forever module.
forever.start (file, options): Starts a script with forever.
forever.startDaemon (file, options): Starts a script with forever as a daemon.
forever.stop (index): Stops the forever daemon script at the specified index.
forever.stopAll (format): Stops all forever scripts currently running.
forever.list (format, callback): Returns a list of metadata objects about each process that is being run using forever.
forever.tail (target, options, callback): Responds with the logs from the target script(s) from tail.
forever.cleanUp (): Cleans up any extraneous forever *.pid files that are on the target system.
forever.cleanLogsSync (processes): Removes all log files from the root forever directory that do not belong to current running forever processes.
forever.startServer (monitor0, monitor1, ..., monitorN): Starts the forever HTTP server for communication with the forever CLI.
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